alrighty, here is my dilemma:
I am still new to this game but am starting to get better and am at the point where i am using motions to determine man/zone, hot routing recievers to avoid a blitz, you know the things you are supposed to do as QB in this game, my only issue is that i dont know what routes are designed to beat man, and which are designed for zone defenses.
I know that the slant is a route to use in man converage, and i know basically what to look for out of the safetys (ie. cover two opens middle of the field, cover one gives me the sides, etc.) but for a zone/man read on my recievers gets me. And its just when i think i fugure something out in the practice mode and bring it to a game the results are polar opposite than what im assuming would happen.
Side note- on the play book what are the orange routes? are they my first read or does it say something about that route? i know the green route are motion routes, and the blue routes are release routes, which is why i am wondering about the orange.
thanks in advance, and i apologize for the long post but felt a describtion of the situation was in order. you guys have helped me get this far in my skillz and thats why im turning to you again!