...time playing Madden
I used to sit on my behind all day playing Madden. I would miss appointments, show up late for work because I'd be playing the game late the night before, even call out from work pretending to be sick so I could play Madden. I was a bad sinner. I'd get drunk, fornicate, and live like a lazy bum in my parent's basement playing this game.
So what saved me?
Well my grandfather passed away, his life was commited to Jesus Chrsit our Lord and Savior. I never ponderd much the thought of having God in my life, I was an athiest. But then, because of my grandfather's death, I decided to start reading the bible. And boy, how the blessings started to come upon me. I moved from the ghetto to a rich neighborhood, thanks to God. I started showing obedience to Him by cutting out the video games, the masturbation, the drunkness, and I was rewarded. All that time I spend engulfed in sin left me with temporary pleasure, and after that wore off I felt alone and sad. Then by the grace of God I was forgiven for my sins and have been experiencing peace and joy ever since.