46 Normal - Cover 3
Spread line and crash them to the outside (RA up)
Great zone play to stop any long-mid range pass.
46 Normal - Safe
Spread line and crash them to the outside (RA up)
One of the best deep pass/pressure plays in the game.
46 Normal - Man QB Spy
Triangle down
Spread line and crash them to the outside (RA up)
This play enables you to let your corners shut down the
WR and the LB in QB spy shuts down any chance of a
scramble. Manually blitz your free safety.
46 Bear - Outside Blitz
Shift line to the right
Pretty good play for stopping a pass. Lots of pressure
and shuts down the right side of the field.
46 Bear - Buzz Weak
Pinch line
Triangle down
A very good medium pass defense that can end up in a
sack from the blitzing LB
46 Bear - Cover 4
Spread line and crash them to the outside (RA up)
Triangle down
Triangle right
This play should only be used on 3rd and long. Great for
stopping the deep pass but the short pass will tear it
In no way am I saying this will work for every1 so keep negative comments out....