If anyone blitzes out of dollar, this could help
1. pinch d line
2. bring blitzing safety on outside of DE on the right side of the screen
3. blitz all lineman. put mlb thats blitzing in the left a gap reblitz him
4. bring blitzing dollarback (word i made up lol) on outside of DE on left side of screen
5.put mlb thats in yellow somewhere in the middle or left and put him in a yellow zone again
by default either mlb or dt should come in untouched
if you're playing someone and all he does is slide protect to counter blitzes, this could help
if opponent slide protects:
to the left-more than likely the blitzing safety will come through
down-either the dollarback or the safety will come in untouched
up-mlb in the a gap
right- dollarback should come through
oh and user FS too.
oh yeah the flats kill it but what nano isn't slaughtered by the flats.
User Fs to cover the flats first if you want