With madden 09 now 1 day away, there are new rules on how to become an exclusive member. Here are the ways you can get exclusive access:
1. Be active on the site for 2 months with at least 250 non-spam posts.
2. 75 madden points (you can now purchase madden points: 5 madden points for 1 dollar)
Both of the previous 2 ways also require majority approval from moderators and administrators. we will accept anywhere from 2-10 exclusive members a month.
3. Buy your way into the exclusive section: 20 dollars
(this is an automatic entry into the exclusive section) no moderator approval necessary.
Note: all of these figures get you exclusive access for 1 year. If you are already an exclusive member, you do not need to meet the new requirements.
All members who were active on or before august 10,2008 also just need to satidfy the old requirements, 100 posts and 2 weeks active.