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 Nanos and reblitzing

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8 posters
New MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-01-30, 04:18

Could someone please explain to me what a nano is and also how to reblitz a player? Thanks!
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Hall of Fame MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-01-30, 04:38

a nano blitz is a blitz that hits home in a nano second, it gets in before the QB can hand the ball off or do anything passing wise. lol to reblitz a player simply select the player press x for PS3 and A for xbox (i think) then flick the right analog stick down and he is re-blitzed. lol hope this helps man!
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New MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-01-30, 12:56

Nanos are easy and effective ways to get to the QB. The point of "reblitzing" a LB or DL is to change the angle of the blitz. Sometimes in the default plays, DLs blitz diagonally which does no good for nano blitzing. Changing the angle of the blitz allows the LB or whoever you're blitzing to get a nice clean gap to shoot through for instant pressure.
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New MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-02-03, 12:09

Prior to the snap what buttons are pressed to get a player to nano, and then during the play what buttons are you pressing to get him to the QB quickest?
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New MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-02-22, 17:50

I was wondering if you ever got a response at to how to reblitz players individually? Or if you knew of a website where you could learn this because I have a ps3 and was wondering if there was a site somewhere that I could go to see all the different button options. Thanks.
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New MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-02-23, 21:33

reblitzing is just a hot route select the player you want to reblitz press x then right analog down to. to nano blitz you have to reblitz people to engage linemen and then reblitz someone to shoot the gap.
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New MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-02-23, 22:26

thanks I had forgotten, I figured it out. The practice mode option in this game is great for practicing hot routes and setting up offense and defense. Its nice to finally learn to play the game and not just pick a play and bomb
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Madden Advisor
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-02-23, 23:38

i like using the R stick to rebiltz my OLBs
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All-Pro MS Member
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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-03-01, 03:48

ItalianMafia wrote:
Nanos are easy and effective ways to get to the QB. The point of "reblitzing" a LB or DL is to change the angle of the blitz. Sometimes in the default plays, DLs blitz diagonally which does no good for nano blitzing.

sometimes you do want the LB or DL or blitz at an angle!

for example someone on the defensive line attacks outside on the right.

This makes the center focus his attention to the right side.

Now the A or B-gap blitzer is more likely to pass through the gap on the LEFT because center is preoccupied on the RIGHT and less likely to slide over to block on the other side.
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All-Pro MS Member
All-Pro MS Member

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Nanos and reblitzing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nanos and reblitzing   Nanos and reblitzing Empty2010-03-01, 03:51

tido83 wrote:
I was wondering if you ever got a response at to how to reblitz players individually? Or if you knew of a website where you could learn this because I have a ps3 and was wondering if there was a site somewhere that I could go to see all the different button options. Thanks.

when I first started playing Madden10 I just went to the controller config. it's all there!

also, you can change options to whether the game is setup to display menus which list options you can audible/hotroute while playing the game.
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