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 Your homework for season 2

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2 posters

Number of posts : 3158
Registration date : 2008-10-25

Your homework for season 2 Empty
PostSubject: Your homework for season 2   Your homework for season 2 Empty2009-09-18, 12:19

With the recent drop off in activity we are looking to make improvements for the upcoming season. We need EVERYONE to recruit, so yes, this includes you. We're asking that you please send messages to as many people as you can letting them know that we are a legit, fun, active and serious league, and that they are invited to join. The best way to do that:

    - Go to your PSN message box
    - Go to Create Message
    - In the to line go to Select from Friends
    - Go down past all of the people on your friends list (unless there is someone on there you think would like to join) and then you will start seeing the names of all the people you have recently played.
    - Select 12 people (12 is the max) at a time, send them a message that tells them about our league and that they can find us at
    - Then select another 12 people and let them know about the league
    and so on and so forth

We need recruits. Me and commish 2k have been working hard to replace inactive people with new recruits, but we can only do so much. We need the rest of the league to help out when you can. Season 2 will have a prize involved, but only if this league continues to strive like it did at the very beginning. Let's just keep the interest up, and see if we can get more good owners for the rest of the Madden 10 year.

P.S. - AND ANOTHER THING! make sure you fill out your leaguedaddy profiles. some of you STILL haven't done this. when a new season starts and everyone gets their team, the first thing you're suppose to do is go to your schedule and add all of the owner's PSNs.
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New MS Member
New MS Member

Number of posts : 75
Registration date : 2009-07-30

Your homework for season 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your homework for season 2   Your homework for season 2 Empty2009-09-18, 18:38

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Your homework for season 2
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