Pretty simple, you get a first round pick, your 2nd round pick is opposite of your first, and then you alternate back and forth between those from there. So here are your draft positions:
Round One:
# Team PSN
#1 Bears - JoeyDee14
#2 Miami - Johnny_PotSmoker
#3 Rams - E-Y-E-P-A-T-C-H
#4 Ravens - DaBawseSwag
#6 Texans - ChrisC2006
#7 Redskins - Triplehhh619
#8 Saints - jeomo
#9 Chiefs - WinkYouOut
#10 Colts - lI_Madden_God_ll
#11 49ers - txboy05
#12 Cardinals - BIGBUDDAH180
#13 Panthers - EggzOverEazy420
#14 Eagles - iGOTitLOCKED
#15 Raiders - jwhite9
#16 Vikings - beeman999
#17 Patriots - TheSchill
#18 Titans - N0TH1N_BUT_ST1CK
#19 Seahawks - haiLthewild
#20 Buccaneers - tuki94
#21 Browns - XxT2DM_23LYNCHxX
#22 Steelers - J_ARE_O
#23 Bengals - PNeforos
#24 Jets - imabeast_15
#25 Broncos - Angels_for_life
#26 Packers - wopper29
#27 Chargers - NoRcAlDeVo408
#28 Falcons - DaSteelCity19
#29 Jaguars - Modrewgnu
#30 Cowboys - mvp18PM
#31 Giants - E-BLOXX
#32 Bills - SavageMac816
Round Two:
#1 Bills - SavageMac816
#2 Giants - E-BLOXX
#2 Cowboys - mvp18PM
#4 Jaguars - Modrewgnu
#5 Falcons - DaSteelCity19
#6 Chargers - NoRcAlDeVo408
#7 Packers - Wopper29
#8 Broncos - Angels_for_life
#9 Jets - imabeast_15
#10 Bengals - PNeforos
#11 Steelers - J_ARE_O
#12 Browns - XxT2DM_23LYNCHxX
#13 Buccaneers - tuki94
#14 Seahawks - haiLthewild
#15 Titans - N0TH1N_BUT_ST1CK
#16 Patriots - TheSchill
#17 Vikings - beeman999
#18 Raiders - jwhite9
#19 Eagles - iGOTitLOCKED
#20 Panthers - EggzOverEazy420
#21 Cardinals - BIGBUDDAH180
#22 49ers - txboy05
#23 Colts - lI_Madden_God_ll
#24 Chiefs - WinkYouOut
#25 Saints - jeomo
#26 Redskins - Triplehhh619
#27 Texans - ChrisC2006
#28 Lions - TEViN-BRADFORD
#29 Ravens - DaBawseSwag
#30 Rams - E-Y-E-P-A-T-C-H
#31 Dolphins - Johnny_PotSmoker
#32 Bears - JoeyDee14