cover 3: any time u see the safties line up un even the low guy is usally the hook zone, the cbs will be moving up and down if its not bump n run,
cover 4: the cb move but the safties stay pretty much put
cover 2 zone: the cb will line up inside the shift in front of the wr, and safties stay put, mve towards sidelines, after the snAP
cover 2 man: safties stay put, cb line up directly from wr, no move ment, unless cb was in a zone then abdibled to man u wont be able to tell,
cover 3 with a flat on one side, cb moves in front of wr, and left corner will be goining up and down
blitzers: usally the lbs move around a lil faster if thier blitzing, if set into a nano then u should know that the moved guys are bltizing most of the time
these are pre snap reads, so u can focus on the heat and whos open