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 Pitt Ebook

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Ketcham While They're Hot
Militant X 1
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-11, 10:14

how many plays are contained within this defensive Ebook?
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Number of posts : 3158
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-11, 10:25

its actually the Pitt Offensive PB eBook. and i think theres around 30-40 plays in it. the ebook cover on the home page is a typo.
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All-Pro MS Member
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-11, 12:25

okaii do u guys have a cover for that ebook cuz i wanna see it
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Legend MS Member
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-11, 18:18

its just above the chatbox it was up last night
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Number of posts : 3253
Registration date : 2008-02-23

Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-11, 21:07

ok the pitt ebook is ready to be distributed. For the first week until march 18th, it will only be $24.99 after that it will go up to $29.99. It is a text only ebook but it is very nice and very detailed.
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Ketcham While They're Hot
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Ketcham While They're Hot

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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 04:00

Not that I was going to buy it anyway, but $25 and $30 for an e-book?!?! In the offseason?!?! Am I missing something here?
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Number of posts : 3253
Registration date : 2008-02-23

Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 05:24

For the big madden ballers, there season is coming up. big tournies like players bowl and others start happening now. there is still half of the year to play madden until madden 2010 comes out
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Hall of Fame MS Member
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 08:32

Modrewgnu wrote:
For the big madden ballers, there season is coming up. big tournies like players bowl and others start happening now. there is still half of the year to play madden until madden 2010 comes out

he is so right the offseason is basically theseason for big madden ballers
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Hall of Fame MS Member
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 09:43

who here is goin to the players bowl jus wonderin?
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Ketcham While They're Hot
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Ketcham While They're Hot

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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 09:46

Modrewgnu wrote:
For the big madden ballers, there season is coming up. big tournies like players bowl and others start happening now. there is still half of the year to play madden until madden 2010 comes out

I guess that makes a wee bit more sense...Still, I don't think I'd be able to justify spending another $25-$30 on a game I paid $60 for....Also, if I were a so-called "big baller," I would have spent all this time preparing for the big tourneys already, not waiting 'til now to get goin'....While I certainly hope you sell quite a few of these for the sake of the site, I bet I'll be able to count the final number bought on both hands....
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Militant X 1
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 10:41

Ketcham while they're hot wrote:
Not that I was going to buy it anyway, but $25 and $30 for an e-book?!?! In the offseason?!?! Am I missing something here?
I AGREE!! we are actually 5 months away from maddenXX10 dropping. most sites have put out quite a few "offensive" Ebooks already. i personally have the following Ebooks (from other sites) in my possession:

Run Balance
Pass Balance
3-4, 4-3 and 4-6 Defense

this is NOT to brag about all of my Ebooks. remember, i am still learning the game. however, i am simply trying to make a valid point. i have purchased most of these at the beginning of the madden09 season....and....5 of them i downloaded for free! you see...just like i am "Exclusive" here at MS; on another site that i no longer post on (i won't mention) i am still like an exclusive member there. the owner of that site puts out new Ebooks constantly and gives video tips in a special section of the site (that not all members of that site have access to) and we are able to download ALL the sites Ebooks for FREE!!!

now....having said that....why would i purchase another Ebook for $30.00 this late in the game? this is just food for thought. 8)
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Number of posts : 3253
Registration date : 2008-02-23

Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 13:15

You all bring up great points. If we could do it all over again, I would have released it earlier. However, I do owe it to yaboy and bigb to put out this ebook, because they put hours into labbing it. I understand that a lot of people who may have purchased it a few months earlier won’t do it now.

And the people who have a chance to win big tournaments really aren’t the ones who buy the ebooks, as they have there own schemes. But the people who are playing at this point of the season are people who would be willing to spend 25 dollars to buy something that would make there offense very hard to stop.

One more big reason is that I wanted to release 1 ebook with our new software this year to give people a preview of our ebooks to come.

While you all bring up excellent points about why this ebook won’t sell, I see no harm in trying anyway. Nothing bad will come of it.

And militant can you pm me the website that gives away the ebooks in there exclusive section?
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Legend MS Member
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 13:55

IMO, it doesnt matter wen we put out our ebook specially since this was our first real yr we are goin to make several mistakes specially with hit and miss products. like mod said it was a new software we are using and if you all get the book u will see how OFFICIAL it looks dispite the lack of videos and in the future we will have videos. i kno ppl arent knockin us for trying BUT who knows wat plays i wll be in next yrs madden that we can use and have ready to put out. we are trying to be like other big sites and have many ebook ready and out for sale. so we will take everones constructive critizism in mind but also keep in mind that this is our first yr of doing things how they are suppose to be done but better than other sites and we will always take ppl's help.
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Militant X 1
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Madden School Veteran
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 18:31

Modrewgnu wrote:
While you all bring up excellent points about why this ebook won’t sell, I see no harm in trying anyway. Nothing bad will come of it.
Mod, i never said that the Pitt Ebook wouldn't sell! but....i stated that we are 5 months away from madden10 dropping and that many people (like myself) make most of their Ebook purchases at the beginning when madden first drops. however....i commend you on putting out a good product!
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Ketcham While They're Hot
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Ketcham While They're Hot

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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 19:40

Sorry for being so negative about this endeavor guys. I think it's really awesome that you guys have the new software and that you are putting out such a quality product. At the time I started criticizing, I was extremely tired, cranky and felt like putting my two cents in, regardless of considering the amount of time all of you have put into it. I certainly hope this thing catches fire. Sorry again for being so negative Sad
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Number of posts : 3253
Registration date : 2008-02-23

Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 21:28

we really do appreciate your comments. You guys both brought up excellent points, as bigb said, we are fairly new and none of people in charge of this site have any real experience with running anything of significance before (at least that i know of). So we are learning here too, and I know personally I like getting feedback about everything I do, and we don't need a bunch of asskissers here that just tell us what we want to hear (we already have plenty). Once again, I really do appreciate your honest opinions, because it will continue to make the site better
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Number of posts : 4368
Registration date : 2008-03-12

Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 21:31

but to get back on topic... this ebook is really solid

i remember i played mod a couple months ago when he tested out this ebook and i could not stop him if my life depended on it

I'd recommend it
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Number of posts : 3253
Registration date : 2008-02-23

Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 21:33

Definition-_RE wrote:
but to get back on topic... this ebook is really solid

i remember i played mod a couple months ago when he tested out this ebook and i could not stop him if my life depended on it

I'd recommend it

Well that is because no one could stop me in my prime. (except dirty mullet) J/ but really
This is a very solid ebook and it is easy to comprehend. Only downside is there is no video.
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Militant X 1
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Madden School Veteran
Militant X 1

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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-12, 23:05

Modrewgnu wrote:
Definition-_RE wrote:
but to get back on topic... this ebook is really solid

i remember i played mod a couple months ago when he tested out this ebook and i could not stop him if my life depended on it

I'd recommend it

Well that is because no one could stop me in my prime. (except dirty mullet) J/ but really
This is a very solid ebook and it is easy to comprehend. Only downside is there is no video.
the video would make it even better. most sites have gone over to that format with their Ebooks. some people (like me) need to see the play in action....while others....can comprehend it through reading the set ups.
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AsTrOz o
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AsTrOz o

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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-19, 00:05

ya ima have to agree with mili here cus i like to see what the play im runnin should look like
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iTz K1ng FuZ10n
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-20, 21:08

i need to work on my this is something i might look into
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AsTrOz o
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AsTrOz o

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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-21, 13:45

you are an idiot. all i have to say
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-21, 13:46

[EXS] AsTrOz o wrote:
you are an idiot. all i have to say
damn str8. "I need to work on my defense" THIS IS OFFENSE UNREAL.
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iTz K1ng FuZ10n
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty2009-03-24, 07:10 bad..hahahahahaha

but i am alot better at jsut comprehend it through reading the set ups.

its alot better for i would say
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Pitt Ebook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pitt Ebook   Pitt Ebook Empty

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