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 Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?

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Luse ChaNg3
Ketcham While They're Hot
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 11:14

I wanted to know why dont the Madden-School give out tips on how to play offense or defense on a weekly or monthly basic? The game has been out since mid august and there has been no tips or anything until the ebook discount and that was at the end of the year. The site is always saying they are in the habit of helping you to become a better player and school is always in session. Then why has there been no class during the fall and winter break? This process could easely be done via email and the school could share new offense scheme along with defense scheme to pass along to its members.Again my thoughts my be a little out of the box but to help your members be all that can be at madden i think this idea is long past due. If anyone in the school would like to speak on this please do. Thanks for hearing me out alc
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Ketcham While They're Hot
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Ketcham While They're Hot

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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 11:27

Don't you go around and check the forums? People are constantly giving out hints, plays, etc. every single day...
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Luse ChaNg3
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 11:39

looks like u dont really contribute...

not sayin i contribute alot but i have posted some things in here that pplz use.. IE

punt return .. fld goal blockin
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 11:49

There are tips given out EVERY single day on this site. If every tip was mailed to you, your inbox would be overloaded. A lot of times there are a ton of tips in the chatbox, and if you want something specific you can always ask in there and if EGGY and YUCKMAN aren't talking dirty to each other, people will reply. This site probably has more tips and more people willing to help out than any other site I have been on.
I think we shoud have a class where Modrewgnu gives a lecture via webcam in a naughty teacher outfit. Wowahweewah
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 12:28

haha. dirty = funniest dude.

yeah - we even had a thread entitled "Tip of the Week" for a while.
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 14:23

As you see that what i am talking about instead of staying with the subject there you go off half cock and come up with some dumb stuff. It wouldnt be a problem with them to come out with a tip of the week or a tip of the month. All i ever hear is there are plenty of tips and go thourgh the forums. But when a simple question is ask on how to effectively setup a defense or bring pressure or heat it seems to go dead. I have ask for the last 2 weeks on how to blitz or bring pressure out of the 1-5-5 defense set. Instead of getting a good answer or a decent setup i was told go to the 2-4-5 now that progress right, Now if you had someone working say that month on 1-5-5 defense that tip and answer could be there right away. So instead of trying to make me sound like the dumb one you need to step back and allow the school to go to work for you hear the saying classes are in seession then lets go to work the school could do more to herlp there members and bought time that they did. im out alc
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Ketcham While They're Hot
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Ketcham While They're Hot

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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 14:39

What the hell are you talking about man? Who is this "them" that you keep referring to? It's not like anyone gets paid to sit here, look through the forums and answer every question that everyone asks. It could be possible that not very many use the 1-5-5 defense, so they wouldn't reply to your post for help. In no way is it anyone's RESPONSIBILITY to see your question, go lab it up and cook up an answer just to make you happy.
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Number of posts : 2578
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 14:49

One huge reason is because there aren't many madden-school ps2 users.
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Number of posts : 3253
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 15:24

If you think that you can get better help at another place, by all means, go for it. PS2 is not very popular anymore, and not too many people on the site still play on that system. The 2-4-5 is a much great formation on the ps2. You get more pressure by bringing less people. If you want pressure out of the 1-5-5 i would suggest engage 8, otherwise u wont get that much pressure.

And dirty i will definatly look into your idea, but we need more interest before i do it.
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Militant X 1
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 17:20

alc.....this is a GREAT site for information and help to improve your madden game play. however, coming off like you one will want to help you bruh....ya dig?
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty2009-01-13, 17:45

I hear you and im sorry for sounding like i dont appreciated the help that has been giving to me to help my game out. But isnt this what the forum is about debating differnt ideals and concepts? No two people see things the same. So once again i say im sorry for sounding like i was ungrateful for the help the madden-school gave me. Yes i have been labbing 1-5-5 mlb blitz and once play in a game and the setup works i be the first to tell anyone who wants to know how to perform it. Thanks for hearing me out im out alc
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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?   Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members? Empty

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Why dont the madden-school give out weekly or monthly tips to its members?
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