if its the other side flip the play
) Shift the defensive line right. Show Blitz.
b) Place the LDE, right side of the TV screen, to blitz straight down.
c) Place the MLB, on the left side of the field, in a QB Spy.
d) Place the SS in contain.
e) Shift the secondary to shade the middle of the field shift them left,
right, in or out depends on your opponent.
If the QB rolls to the right the SS should blitz off the edge untouched every time. By blitzing
the DE, on the right of the screen, the SS off the edge to come in untouched. The line shift to
the right creates a misconception of pressure. It will look like intense pressure is coming from
the right. This play will only bring 4 rushers at the QB with intense pressure. It should force
the QB to his weak side. Having it appear as pressure is coming from one angle.