Welcome to the site
That ain't a long post, just about the right size, if ya ask me
I play with the Cowboys because they are my favorite team. Plus the speed they have on defense. Seems like you like to pass from your post so another team I would suggest is the Chargers. Great QB, TE and WR mix there with LT and Sproles to mix up the run game. Plus there defense is a little better than the Cowboys, but you didn't hear it from me.
I play with the Cowboys and use the Detroit playbook on offense and another offensive book I like is Seattle.
On defense I use the Cleveland playbook because it has three different Nickel packages. But I am the only one who uses it around here. Most people like the Jets or New England defense. Somewhere on the defensive tips is a 155 prowl mini scheme by crazyblack or miamexican, try that. And also the 4-6 scheme and how to stop the offtackle practice those.
On offense read CJs strategy guide and BigBuddahs twin philosophy. To start, no offense to the other great guides, but I can't list em all, right.
And if you decide you want to pound it down there throat with smashmouth football, let me know and ill write up a quick goalline scheme for you.
Good Luck