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 stopping the run.

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4 posters
New MS Member
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stopping the run. Empty
PostSubject: stopping the run.   stopping the run. Empty2009-12-23, 03:05

i just cant stop it
people run all over me
i run with the colts and 46 defensive playbook.
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Rookie MS Member
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stopping the run. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stopping the run.   stopping the run. Empty2009-12-23, 11:34

try 3-4 normal and the play is called olb stud or something like that....pinch line, crash line to strong side and user the lb that is in a spy or user the fs...this will usually stop inside for sure put if he gets outside you must be good at user and hit him
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New MS Member
New MS Member

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stopping the run. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stopping the run.   stopping the run. Empty2009-12-23, 11:36

run mulpide d it da best run 4-6 do cover 2 or 3 pinch line spred linebackers out and their u go
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Veteran MS Member
Veteran MS Member

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stopping the run. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stopping the run.   stopping the run. Empty2009-12-23, 13:37

Run 2-4-5
Over Storm or Under Smoke either one
Shift to strong side or not either way
Pinch LBs for QB pressure and inside run
Spread LBs for outside run and pitch

Let me explain the Shift a little as I see it

Gap Control is where you are lined up Hat on a Hat as they say. Gap control is good against a run because the linemen can release off their block when the runner comes in the gap on either side of their blocker. Thus you have one D Lineman controlling 2 gaps, plus if you have 4 down linemen you have help on both sides.

If you want to shoot the gap then you are in the backfield and must make a play on the ball ASAP before the ball carrier is past you and you wind up in no mans land, with the play already up field since it has gone by you. Shooting the gap is more of a gamble.

So if you shift strong side, I feel you get better gap control. If you shift weakside you get better penetration.

You would think better penetration would equal a better plan but that is just not the case. The play can go right by you awful quick.

That is why I shift strong side against the run and weak side against the pass. Or you could just not shift at all if it looks right to you.

Anyway thats my take on it. Its something I learned from Tim Ryan.
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stopping the run. Empty
PostSubject: Re: stopping the run.   stopping the run. Empty

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stopping the run.
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