So as the name says im a HUGE AP fan and right now im using Dallas' PB with the vikings. I like plays that will get me out of 4 and 8 situations or 3 and 8. Right now im using the play HB Choice. Many people have heard of this but what it does is it has the HB run on a choice route ( either the HB curls if protecting to the flats or he will run on the flats if their playing man) This play is so deadly because it has the WR on the left curl,( if their playing cover 3 then this guy will be open), the HB is curling and most the time the LB will not front the HB causing a catch for about 6 yards everytime. If the decide to play man, then your HB will hit the flats and then pretty much a 20 yd+ gain if u got a good HB.
So, if you know a good PB with good running schemes and good plays like this, then hit me up, thanks for reading!!!